WE DO NOT HAVE opening hours

To make an Appointment, you can text, email or simply drop us a call

XYZ Books
Rua Ilha do Príncipe Nº3A - Porta E
1170-182 Lisboa

phone (Office): +351 218 269 270
phone (Pedro): +351 916 438 000
phone (Tiago): +351 912 477 744
e-mail: info@artbooks.xyz

We’re XYZ Books, a Lisbon based independent publishing house. We focus on publishing high-quality photography books, often featuring the works of contemporary photographers. XYZ Books was founded in 2013. The founders, Tiago Casanova and Pedro Guimarães, are themselves photographers and have used their expertise and passion to create a publishing house that is dedicated to showcasing the best of contemporary photography.

In addition to publishing books, we also organize exhibitions and other events related to photography. The publishing house has gained a reputation for producing visually stunning books that are carefully designed and produced to the highest standards.

We’re much more than just a book publisher. Inside its premises, XYZ Books hosts five interdisciplinary and nonprofit projects, including a bookshop with a focus on photography, a publishing house, and a printing lab. The publishing house participates actively in international photobook fairs, photography festivals, and organizes workshops, exhibitions, and presentations.

One of the unique offerings of XYZ Books is its residencies entirely dedicated to photobook making. We believe photobooks are an important part of shaping the culture of photography, and we are committed to contributing to this cultural phenomenon by providing a collaborative and open space for artists and photographers to showcase their work.

For more information get in touch with us.

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